Preparation, travels, arrival and our life and times as we move to Oz

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Since I last wrote a post, I seem to have been preoccupied with sending photos and movies to family and friends, fiddling about with facebook, and dabbling in parenting :)

Some events worthy of note (in no particular order) from the last month:

* on father's day, my son managed to fart a couple of curds of pooh onto my t shirt whilst I was changing his nappy. It's definitely a sign of my adaptation to being a parent that I didn't mind at all :)

* went to the beach for the first time in *ages* - but didn't even get my toes wet, despite having packed all my surfing gear into/on top of the car. Bloody northerly wind had completely blown out what little swell there was. Oooh it hurts to find the beach entirely useless to me on my only chance to get there after 2 months of reading surf reports about the coming and going of one of the best winter swells seen in the last 20 years...

* "The IT Crowd" is hilarious. Got hold of series 2 via the internet and this cunning 3 step guide to getting hold of tv programmes, and we both laughed long and hard whilst watching it. Can't seem to find the first series, but I am working on it...

* Skype is really coming into its own now that we have a something that everyone wants to see - our son :) The latest version for the Mac has improved echo-reduction, so we're now happy Skyping without headsets. Levi has met his cousins, auntie, uncles, grandparents and even his great-grandmother over Skype.

* sleep. There hasn't been as much of it as there used to be. But, there's no real hardship in waking up at the wrong time of day to spend a bit of zombie time cuddling Levi (easy for me to say - I only do middle-of-the-night stuff at the weekends, Skye answers those calls during the week).

* and last but not least, we got tickets to the Daft Punk gig here in Brisbane. I'm still stoked about that ! Got the tickets the moment they went on pre-sale, just need to arrange the babysitter now :) Luckily the gig's not until the end of December, so we've got plenty of time to work that out.


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