Preparation, travels, arrival and our life and times as we move to Oz

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

40 weeks!

according to the doctors, today is the the start of the 40th week since our baby was just a twinkle in our eyes :)

...but what do doctors know, eh? There are a lot of stats regarding accuracy of the due date, but what they all have in common is that very few babies are born "on time" and the vast majority of those babies must not have been listening to the doctor at that first appointment when such minor details as when the young 'un is due to be born was discussed. Perhaps we should have discussed it louder.... :)

I don't think I would describe the last 40 weeks as a rollercoaster particularly, more like a windy road with mild inclines every now and again, and with plenty of roadside attractions that we took the time to stop and admire. It's been pretty good really.

So now we have pretty much everything either in place or at least in the house ready for me to install/stick on the wall/attach to the car/take to the hospital. My mobile phone's permanently set to ring loudly, and my boss is prepared for me to suddenly slam my laptop closed, leap out of my chair and run from the office yelling "this is it!! see you in 2 weeks!"

bring it on :)


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